Monday, May 10, 2010

what happens when captain green fails

Baabob:wait a second what happens if the secondary consumer rides in a rocket to Pluto first class ?
Narrarator: well baabob they'd die from cold and lack of oxygen, and their friends and enemies on earth will die.
Baabob: darn I shouldn't have told mice about interplanetary travel.
Narrarator: That means every biome involving mice will either have to rewire itself around mice or just die off.
Baabob: Bad Baabob
-slapping sounds-
Narrarator: here I'll show you with a simple food web, with mice.
Now what would happen to the crickets they eat? that's right their population would boom and eat so much grass that other animals wouldn,t be able to eat it. and it's also bad for foxes, hawks and owls because they lose a food source. Bad right?
Baabob: Ya it is

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