Monday, May 24, 2010

Carbon Sources Harmful?

Narrator: Baabob, did you know that carbon sources can be harmful?
Baabob: Really! Then I will never breathe again!
Narrator: Uh... Baabob...
Baabob: You lie!
Narrator: Anyway, carbon sources can be harmful because they add carbon dioxide to the air, which contributes to global warming.
Baabob: Carbon bad! Die, you Carbon!
Narrator: Baabob, we still need carbon in our atmosphere if we want to live.
Baabob: We need bad stuff?
Narrator: Yes Baabob. Still, carbon sources are also bad because there is less oxygen for us to breathe, due to the halting of photosynthesis.

Release Agents

Narrator: Baabob! Have you ever heard of release agents?
Baabob: No, but does me not taking a shower everyday count?
Naarator: Ewww, sort of. Release Agents are agents that release carbon into our air.
Baabob: Does sweating count?
Narrator: Yes, if you are doing any exercise.
Baabob: Then what are a few more examples of release a... a... a..
Narrator: Baabob! You blew the cue cards away!
--Please excuse this slight interuption while we are having technical difficulties--
Narrator: Now that we are back and Baabob is taken care of, we can get serious. A few examples of these types of agents will be a volcanic explosion, forest fires, and anyone running a mile.
Baabob: --Talks in monkey language--
Narrator: Ah! Baabob don't hurt me!
--Slapping continues--

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


If you want to save some poor tigers...
Baabob: "Like me!"
Then head on over to this site.
Baabob: "Yaaaay!!"

Friday, May 14, 2010

Narrator: Baabob! Hello! the cue cards are upside down! where are you?!!
Baabob: Sorry sir...
Narrator: Anyway, Baabob have you ever heard of carbon sources?
Baabob: No, not if you count my stinking breath.
Narrator: Ewww...Anyway, carbon sources are where you recieve carbon.
Baabob: What does recieve mean? Baaaaaannnaaaaaaaaas?!!
Narrator: No, Baabob. It means to give. Any way, a few examples of carbon sources are the weathering of limestone, burning of coal or oil, and the respiration of humans.
Baabob: Oh...

Wash your hands in the brand new carbon brand sink sources

Narrarator: Baabob, have you ever heard of a carbon sink?
Baabob: No. I doesn't wash my hands, ever.
Narrarator: Eww, but that's not what I meant. Carbon sinks are very good. They trap carbon so it cannot heat our planet.
Baabob: You mean washing your hands helps save the planet? I wash hands NOW!
Narrarator: ... No that's not what I meant.
Babbob: You lie!
-Slapping sounds-
Narrarator: Baabob, Carbon sinks are things that take Carbon Dioxide out of the atmosphere.
Baabob: Like what?
Narrarator: Us being alive is a carbon sink, because we hold carbon in our bodies.
Baabob: Okay... If I eat you then I become two carbon sinks?
Narrarator: Uhhh... No that's not how it works... stop coming closer. AHHHHH!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

what happens when captain green fails

Baabob:wait a second what happens if the secondary consumer rides in a rocket to Pluto first class ?
Narrarator: well baabob they'd die from cold and lack of oxygen, and their friends and enemies on earth will die.
Baabob: darn I shouldn't have told mice about interplanetary travel.
Narrarator: That means every biome involving mice will either have to rewire itself around mice or just die off.
Baabob: Bad Baabob
-slapping sounds-
Narrarator: here I'll show you with a simple food web, with mice.
Now what would happen to the crickets they eat? that's right their population would boom and eat so much grass that other animals wouldn,t be able to eat it. and it's also bad for foxes, hawks and owls because they lose a food source. Bad right?
Baabob: Ya it is

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tigers: in the past or present?

Baabob: Tigers! Nooooo!
Narrator: yes baabob, we must do something to save the tigers.
Baabob: let's go save now!
No! Baabob!
Baabob: Yes!
Narrator: "...w...while I take care of Baabob...
Narrator: "...please enjoy this link about information on the endangered tiger...

--Slapping continues--