Tuesday, April 27, 2010

why this is called the NOM YUM NOM blog... PART-ETH 2

Yes, this is the second part of why this is called the nom yum nom blog. If you didn't know that, you are a totalitarian dictator. Go get you I.Q. checked.
Narrarator: "Or Bruce Lee. They both eat Big Macs at BURGER KING'S!!!"
Baabob: "Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink."
Narrarator: "Okay... In that case Chuck Norris was the secondary consumer."
Baabob: "Are BAAAAANANAAAAAS secondary consumers?"
Narrarator: "No, Baabob, Harpie Eagles are secondary consumers because they eat monkeys which eat bananas."
Baabob: "But Narrarator, monkeys are invincible. They are infused with Chuck Norris's cookies."
Narrarator: "Whatever. Harpie Eagles eat monkeys."
Baabob: "Be that way. I'm not listening to you."
Narrarator: "Now on to my point. Secondary comsumers are animals that consume either primary consumers or producers."
Baabob: "In other words, they NOM YUM NOM each other."
Narrarator: "Uhhh..."
Narrarator: "CUT IT OUT!"
Baabob: "Okay. Can I have a cookie?"
Narrarator: "No."

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