Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Baabob: Mr. Narrarator my Grandpa died, in his will he said he wanted to be buried where he was found,in the woods, with the wolves. What will happen to his body?
Narrarator: Now that you've told me I'm going to desacrate his corpse, by lighting it on fire then jump up and down on his ashes.
Baabob: Oh...
Narrarator: but if it was natural decomposition he would get eaten by decomposers
Baabob: are cookies decomposers?
Narrarator: No
Baabob: How about the peanut butter jelly time guy
Narrarator: NO!
Baabob: Way ya way ya way ya, what about CHUCK NORRIS!!!!
Narrarator: Silence! none of those things are decomposers, but worms are.
Baabob:EWWWWW! Tape worms are gross, bu they are about as effective for losing weight as diets.
Narrarator: Not tape worms worm worms
Baabob: (cough cough) What... do... decomposers...d...d...d, hey the cue cards upside down!
Narrarator: Well Baabob, decomposers eat the remains of dead animals and plants and transport that energy back to the earth or just keep it until they die.
Baabob: this means that this is the last post... does that mean we'll never be heard from again?
Narrarator: Maybe Baabob, maybe
Peanutbutterjellychung: Never fear you will come back soon enough
Baabob: holy moly it's you
Peanutbutterjellychung:okay... anyway bye

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